There is no "official" Cosmic Trifle studio album (yet), but this doesn't mean you can't listen to us!
We are here, there and wherever.
For instance:
To the landing (2009)
Blow for freedom (2011)
(both instrumental)
The filk of human kindness, futeurised (re-recorded 2011)
and others:
- all available on Bandcamp -
Made by magic (with Kathy Mar)
The toad/ Ancient sky (tape with Talis Kimberley)
- all out of print -
Lady in veils (tape, out of print)
Voices going West (2000, with the n'Early Music Consort)
- available at -
She is currently planning to record more songs,
and she also has a Youtube page:
Umwege (2002, with Milchstraßenstreuner)
Briefe aus der Unendlichkeit (2006, with Milchstraßenstreuner)
Nachtcafé (2012)
- all available at -
Besides, Silke has a Bandcamp page ...
... and a Youtube page that has some CT videos, too: